
makenzi & matt anniversary home session

"I would not wish any companion in the world but you." -Shakespeare

This shoot is a super fun example of how a session can evolve and tell a simple story. Starting in-home and cooking together, then going outside for a walk around the park. I love keeping things moving in this way. 

Matt & Makenzi have me take anniversary photos every year and I think it's the sweetest thing. I adore documenting their growth and their love. And I love the building relationship that it creates when I get to see them every year.  Return clients make this photographer's heart so so grateful. 

valerie & evan

I LOVE THIS SESSION. I love these two and their magical house and their sweet love. 

My eagerness to post these is such a good feeling. Making something that feels so authentic and happy is so rejuvenating.
It super helps that Val & Evan are some of our closest friends. We have a bimonthly dinner that leaves us all with headaches from laughing so hard. The best kind of gathering ends that way.  Shooting close friends actually allowed me to get even more intimate interactions because their comfort with me was already established. So we started the session with creativity and trust flowing freely. And that's where the magic happens. At this intersection of creativity and trust, that's where the genuine joy and authenticity comes out to play. 

shawn + katelynn

I've known these two since high school, so capturing their wedding day was effortless and personal. I love the modern vibe that the art gallery provided. Katelynn said " It was a really heartwarming feeling to see so many of our friends and family come together to make our wedding day perfect. It was at an art gallery that I've shown at, and we have spent endless hours installing my work there. I loved the days leading up to the wedding having everyone sleeping at our house, going to one of our usual restaurants for dinner and drinks on the patio, anxiously getting things ready the day of... it was wonderful and I wouldn't have had it any other way."

Their ceremony was so authentic and true to their characters that I had to shoot through tears.  Here's some snippets of their vows, just to share some feels.

"Shawn, every day with you is like getting a hug and a high five. You're my best friend, my biggest fan, my rock, and my heart. I promise to support you as you have supported me, to allow us to grow independently while weaving ourselves together. I promise to love you unconditionally, as you have loved me."

"Katelynn, you are truly the perfect partner for me to spend my life with, you are the reason that I strive to improve myself daily, be it on a personal level or on a professional level, you have helped me become a better, stronger, and more ambitious person and I am incredibly thankful that you have chosen me as the person you will spend the rest of your life with. I promise to do all that I can to ensure that I see you smile every day, whether we be together or apart."